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Public Aid & Expert Advice

OCA equipment eligible for public aid

The pension and occupational health insurance funds (CARSAT) – and their Prevention department – can financially help companies (with fewer than 50 employees) to prevent occupational risks, within the framework of regional or national programs, validated annually by social partners.

The objective of this “TMS Pros Action” grant

Help companies equip themselves with new equipment and finance training to reduce physical constraints during manual handling of loads, repetitive efforts or restrictive postures.

OCA can assist you in the constitution of your file for CARSAT. Many pieces of OCA equipment are eligible for this aid scheme.

To find out more, contact us: • 02 41 75 64 40

OCA, member of a network of experts at the service of industrial performance

OCA is part of the Union of Technology and Surface Industries (ITUS),
a network that brings together 220 members at the national level, with the following main missions:

Support and advise
customers as best as possible (on technical regulations in particular)

Maintain a constant technological
watch to strengthen our expertise and innovate

Promote the development
of our activity in France and abroad

Offer a key solution for a manual
or automatic paint line (examples: paint booth, oven, integrated surface treatment cabin, installation of overhead conveyors, etc.)